After Xi-Imran meet, China and Pakistan rake up J&K issue

Feb 9, 2022 | Kashmir Coverage (General News)

NEW DELHI: China and Pakistan upped the ante on Jammu and Kashmir again as they brought up the issue in a joint statement, following President Xi Jinping’s meeting Sunday with PM Imran Khan in Beijing, with China saying it opposed any “unilateral actions” that complicates the situation.

While there was no official response by India till late Sunday, sources said China and Pakistan should remember that the Union Territory is an integral and inalienable part of India.

According to the statement, the Pakistan side briefed the Chinese on the latest developments on the situation in J&K, including its concerns, position and pressing issues. China “reiterated” that the Kashmir issue was a dispute left from history and should be properly and peacefully resolved based on the “UN Charter, relevant Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements”.
This is not the first time though that China and Pakistan have referred to the situation in J&K in their bilateral documents. India has in the past dismissed such references as interference in its internal affairs.

The Pakistan PM is among the 20-odd leaders visiting Beijing for the Winter Olympics, an event that has been diplomatically boycotted by India and many western countries, including the US and UK. The joint statement also emphasised the importance of “pursuit of dialogue and resolution of all outstanding disputes to promote regional cooperation and advance the goals of lasting peace, stability and shared prosperity in the region”.

While there were also several mentions of CPEC in the joint statement, government sources said both China and Pakistan are fully aware of India’s position that the corridor, apparently the flagship project of China’s BRI, is located on Indian territory illegally occupied by Pakistan and that India rejects any attempt to change the status quo in the area.

While India has repeatedly stated that CPEC violates its sovereignty, China and Pakistan said in their statement that the corridor was a “win-win enterprise” and pivotal for regional prosperity and enhanced connectivity. As an open and inclusive initiative, third parties were welcome to benefit from investment opportunities in CPEC SEZs, the two countries said while expressing their “strong determination” to safeguard CPEC from all threats and negative propaganda.

The Times of India