Kashmiri bodies around the world to mark ‘Right to Self-Determination Day’ on Thursday
Jan 4, 2023 | Kashmir Coverage (General News)
Assocaited Press of Pakistan
UNITED NATIONS, Jan 04 (APP): A coalition of Kashmir advocacy organizations operating in different parts of the world Tuesday expressed solidarity with the people of Jammu and Kashmir, who are observing January 5 as Right to Self-Determination Day.
“Kashmiris will never give in or give up their right to self-determination despite the suffering resulting from the neglect on the part of the UN and the human rights bodies,” a statement issued by the Kashmir Diaspora Coalition (KDC) and its international affiliates — World Kashmir Awareness Forum, Washington DC; Kashmir House Istanbul; Kashmir Civitas, Canada; World Kashmir Freedom Movement, London; Tehreek-Kashmir, UK and EU and Kashmir Campaign Global, London.
The statement said, “On January 5, 1949, the UN Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) passed its resolution giving the people right to self-determination. Under this right the people of the state of Jammu and Kashmir were authorized to hold a free and unfettered plebiscite under the UN supervision.
Unfortunately, the Indian state has failed to cooperate with the UNCIP in implementing Commission’s explicit mission and its underlying UNSC resolution 47 of April 21, 1948, mandating such a plebiscite in Kashmir.
“Non-compliance of India with the implementation of UN mandated right to self-determination in Jammu and Kashmir and UN’s failure to implement its decision over 76 years has led to enormous ongoing suffering on the people of Jammu & Kashmir.
It includes three major wars between India and Pakistan, numerous massacres of Muslims and an ongoing genocide by Indian military, paramilitary and civilian militias. Indian regimes have incrementally hollowed out any internal autonomy granted to Kashmiris.
Since August 5, 2019, with the abrogation of Article -370 and 35-A by the extremist regime of Narendra Modi has converted Kashmir from an illegal occupation to a fragmented lawless ‘Union Territory’ with no due process and no system of justice for the indigenous Muslim population.
“Jammu & Kashmir is now undergoing a rapid transition from illegal occupation into an Indian settler-colonialist and apartheid project. It is following the Israeli model with forced demographic change, millions of illegal Hindu importees granted Kashmiri domicile, right to vote, settlement in expropriated and stolen Kashmiri land and jobs.
Local Muslims dwellings are demolished to make space for Indian Hindus. Plans are being made to hold farcical elections to disenfranchise Muslims and win elections. Most Muslim political leaders, intellectuals, human rights defenders, and religious figures are imprisoned, tortured, or killed in custody or fake encounters.
“We appeal to the UN Secretary-General, the UN Security Council, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, OIC and international NGO’s to support the oppressed people of Jammu & Kashmir to achieve their UN-guaranteed right to self- determination.”